Defining the personality shows us mental illness is really a functional adaptation that safeguards one's evaluative integrity. An individual's ability to evaluate his environment effectively and confidently from his individual capacities and faculties is his biological purpose. How we evaluate and understand information reflects outwardly as our personality. Anxiety happens when one's evaluative mechanisms are compromised or threatened. Every individual evaluates differently, so standards of "normal" personality development cannot be utilized to diagnose so-called personality disorders. When we require our children to make sense of information in ways that make sense to our capacities and faculties, we compromise and threaten their evaluative integrity. Biologically purposeful adaptations that look to an observer like mental illness are easy to prevent....

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Biology is Our Manual for How to Exist and Co-exist

If we think about the human mammal as an organism who always has to make perfect sense to the parameters dictated by his or her biological structure and function, then problem solving for  human problems becomes easy and obvious. Currently, we are trying to make sense of ourselves according to man made ideas for how humans should think and behave that have been formulated and/or disseminated by either prophets, religious leaders, spiritual leaders, political leaders, philosophers, psychologists, self help authors, experts, and/or celebrities.  Having to conform to man made ideals created and perpetuated by powerful or influential authorities has caused humans terrible confusion at the individual level. If we allow our biology to be our guide, we will have significantly fewer problems that radiate out into our human relationships, institutions, communities, and governments.

I believe it is finally time to stop using subjectively defined, interpreted, and applied psychologically, philosophically, or spiritually based  ideals to shape our human behavior, and start looking at ourselves in terms of our human biology. I believe most of our human problems originate in the fallacy that humans have to be taught how to be humans via man made ideals generated by experts or prophets. Because each expert and prophet can only generate ideology from his own personal perspective, this means we are required to adopt the perspective of the generator of the ideology we follow.  Sometimes an overarching ideology is funneled to us through an author, expert, priest, minister, parent, friend, therapist, etc. Nonetheless, we will be contorting our own thinking to try and live from the perspective of the person most directly delivering the ideology and/or dogma  to us.

To exist from our biology means we do not need a doctrine for how to make life decisions.  We come into the world with everything we need to problem solve and make decisions as humans. If we have faith our biology allows us everything we will need to live peaceful lives as humans, then we do not need a doctrine for how to do so. We simply interact with our environment moment to moment, making sense of ourselves in ways that make sense to us, trusting that other humans are capable of the same, and allowing our humanity to unfold.  

Loving our family and friends is not something we have to learn to do. Loving and connecting to loved ones in ways that make sense to us, whether verbal or non-verbal,  happens because we are humans.  In teaching people how to be "good, loving, people," we teach them how to be authoritative bullies and we fill them with rage by assuming they need to be taught these things. When we teach humans how to be humans, we teach them they have no perspective they can depend on or rely on. We teach them they need to adopt the most powerful person's perspective in order to be respected and to have a voice. In the process we teach them how to gain power over others by causing people to adopt their perspectives.  
In our DNA, we are biologically wired up to be born and to have total control of how we analyze and interpret information in our environment in ways that make sense to our unique sensory motor systems at each developmental level. We can only understand how we can understand.  

The only reason human individuals try and take control over how the world is interpreted is because they are not allowed to live from their personal perspective.  One reason people become maniacal about forcing their interpretations on others is because they cognitively cannot interpret the world the way the people trying to take control of their perspectives  do.  If we stop trying to make other people interpret the world from our perspective, people will stop needing to take control of how the world is interpreted. 

 Because we do not yet understand there is no such thing as an objective interpretation of anything,  we feel fine lording our perspectives over others when we think we are "objectively" in the right. This is how we were taught our whole lives.  We were taught with pinpoint accuracy how to be bullies.  We were taught an adult was right because their authority gave them the power to be right. Because of how we were taught and spoken to as children, we all know how to teach children by taking power away from their perspective and requiring them to adopt ours whenever we see fit.  We never learned our perspective was always valid, we learned the most powerful person in the room had the only truly valid perspective.

This is not to say most adults who taught us were not well intentioned. This is not to say children don't need help learning how to be safe or acquire skills. This is only to say teaching does not ever have to involve an adult or teacher or peer assuming their perspective has more power or wisdom than anyone else's. Wisdom is something we can gain for ourselves, not from other people. Our experiences, when articulated, can give other people insight on how to gain their own wisdom, but our wisdom is uniquely obtained and applied to our own lives, not others. We are wired to live via our own personal perspective. If we are given the freedom to do so, we learn how to completely respect, value, and stop judging or trying to change the perspective of others.

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